Monday, September 10, 2007

Let the Race Begin!


Yesterday my buttercup turned 10 months old and tonight she crawled! Oh man, I better get out my track shoes. She has also been teasing us with trying to walk.

For those of you wondering, yes I did video tape it and YES I'd like to sock Bill Gates and his crappy Vista for deleting it from my memory stick and not letting me open the file. I don't have a Mac why???

Assuming the position....soooo nervous!

"I think I can, I think I can"

This crawling business is intense!

I did it!!

Hmmmm, 1st conquer the world!

How pretty am I??

Devon's a droolin' fool!

I'll make this face until you buy the ENTIRE Royal Garden line from Gymboree!


Our Family of 5 said...

She is so darn sweet! I can't wait to eat her up!!

Ruthanne said...

Go, Devon, Go!!!!
She's so darn cute!! Love the 'conquer the world' look. I can't WAIT to see her in person!!!

Unknown said...

Yea Devon!!! And happy 10 months! Ava is a drooling fool as well, but a lazy one--no interest in that crawling thing. Maybe Devon can teach her in Atlanta!

Unknown said...

First of all Tara, she is a DOLL BABY!! Oh my!!!
And Devon, you go girl! We are going to have one busy hotel room in Atlanta!! Isabelle may be walking by then! Watch out!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear Heavens HOW STINKIN CUTE! I cannot WAIT until Atlanta!!! I agree with's gonna be one big party in our rooms with all that moving going on!

Kristen and the Gang said... adorable!!!! I can't believe how cute Devon is! Now the funny begins! Please post a video as soon as you can..I can't wait to see her on the go!

Katie said...

SO cute -- love her determined look :)

Mindy said...

AWESOME NEWS!!! Watch out everyone she she COMES! And happy 10 months sweetie! She is such a doll...she really is. OH....and tomorrow starts the Circle of Friends sale at Gymbo - 30% off - and that line was marked down again for sale. I know, I know...I am a Gymbo nerd. LOL. But there is nothing better then a sale. LEt me know if you need to me e-mail you the coupon.

curly said...

Now that Devon is mobile, she's trying to change the channels on the TV. Devon doesn't like watching Guts or Double Dare 2000. However, she likes watching Hidden Temple with Big Brother Logan.