Friday, November 16, 2007


A year ago yesterday, we received a long awaited phone call. A baby girl was born in Guatemala City named Maria Guadaupe and would we like to see her pictures.........Heck yes!!! I quickly got Logan dressed and we hopped in the car and drove in the sleeting rain across town to the agency.

As we drove there, I thought to myself "I am going to see my daughter for the 1st time!". She was my daughter in my heart before I saw a picture, before I heard a word about her. She was my baby.

She was so perfect and beautiful in the pictures. A tiny little peanut in the pictures weighing 4.8 pounds at 2 days old. Some people don't believe in love at 1st sight but I do and this was it. Love.


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwww Tara that is SO sweet!!!!!! :) Happy anniversary!!!!! I remember those pictures and your referral day like it was yesterday. So beautiful!

Natalie said...

Happy Referral-versary Tara!

JoAnn said...

Happy referral-versary Tara!!! Im with Kelly, it does seem like yesterday- I had forgotten how tiny she was. Just a little peanut-beautiful baby.

Kelly said...

You said it perfectly !!!!!!!

Kelly said...

Oh I forgot Happy Referral-versary!!!!!!!!

Ruthanne said...

Woo Hoo!!!!!! Show me the baby!!!!!

JuJu - said...

Nothing sweeter than the memories of that moment - when you KNOW - that is your baby:)
Got chills remembering that day:)


Mindy said...

Awwwwww.....HOW SWEET! Look how sweet she is:-) I can was love at first sight for us too. Amazing isn't it!? Totally amazing!