Sunday, October 14, 2007

Why Postmaster General?? WHY?

I'm not a big stamp user thanks to online bill payments. What I have is a hodge podge of bells and flags and other stampy images in my cabinet and not one stinking stamp has the amount on it!

If you are gonna change the price of stamps every time I change a diaper the least you could do is tell me the value of my bell sticker!

Those post office people best not give me a Return to Sender because I don't get their patriotic code of letter currency.


Mindy said...

Tara you are SO SO funny. The Bell stamp is called the "forever Stamp" which means that it is good FOREVER and EVER regardless of when they raise fees. So that's why there is no price on that one...LOL. It will be like a regular stamp.

Anonymous said...

ROFL Tara I've thought the same thing so many times!!!!!! Now I'm reading Mindy's comment and I'm so excited! This doesn't sound like the USPS...are you sure they could be so generous?? :)

Kelly said...

Totally off topic I almost bought Devon a shirt from Gymboree today it said "Tiara's Make You Taller" I couldn't believe it. You should sooooo get that shirt !!!!! Or do you already have it ????

Ruthanne said...

Tara-- you crack me up!! Mindy's right---that stamp is forever. It does get confusing though.